Scalability vs Elasticity: Difference between Scalability and Elasticity in Cloud Computing

What is Scalability?

In cloud computing, the term cloud scalability refers to the capacity to improve or reduce IT resources, depending on the requirement changing demand. In other words, we can say that scalability is employed to satisfy the static growth in the workload.

What is Elasticity?

Elasticity refers to the capability of a cloud to automatically boost or shorten the infrastructural resources, depending on the requirement so that the workload can be handled efficiently. This elasticity also helps in reducing the infrastructural expenditure.

Difference between Scalability and Elasticity in Cloud Computing


Cloud Elasticity

Cloud Scalability


It is used just to fulfil the sudden requirement in the workload for a short period.

It is used to fulfil the static boost in the workload.


It is preferred to satisfy the dynamic modifications, where the required resources can improve or reduce.

It is preferred to handle growth in the workload in an organisation.


Cloud elasticity is generally used by small enterprises whose workload expands only for a specific period.

Cloud scalability is utilised by big enterprises.


It is a short term event that is used to deal with an unplanned or sudden growth in demand.

It is a long term event that is used to deal with an expected growth in demand.

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