10 Things To Do Before Writing CBSE Class 10 Exam 2020

Are you already worried about your Board exams? Finishing the entire syllabus giving you exam jitters? Well, don’t worry anymore since unnecessary worrying only leads to health issues. As the stress level rises, food intake and sleeping hours tend to get down. Though exams are inevitable part in student’s educational life, but they don’t have to be a painful one. Psychologists advise examinees to relax well and keep their minds stress-free to score high in their final exams. To ease your preparation, BYJU’S bring 10 tips to do before writing the exam for any grade.

1. Cover your Syllabus on time:

Start your preparation by following class lessons properly and cover the complete syllabus in a systematic manner. Find out complete chapter wise marking scheme for all subjects – Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology and prepare accordingly. Revise every day whatever is taught in class as those topics will be still fresh in mind.

2. Filter Important topics:

Collect all the relevant handouts and keep all the important notes together for last minute revision. Find all the important topics from NCERT book as most of the exam question comes from NCERT books only. The cover exercise gave at the end of every chapter in NCERT books to have a deep understanding of topics.

Tips and Tricks for the Class 10 Board Exam, Watch The Below Video:

3. Use Flashcards to memorize:

Memorize well by using flashcard and reduce your important topics into different bullet points, lists, diagrams, and formulas. Whatever you have placed on the flashcards will act as memory triggers. This will help you in enhancing your ability to recall long para information which is referenced by the triggers. You can use these cards when are left with short bursts of time.

4. Explain your answers to others:

Explaining answers to a different person will help you in getting it clear to your brain, highlighting the key points where you need to work more. Ask your parents, sisters or brothers to ask questions from you. Explain your answers to them and know how much is done.

5. Use flow charts and Diagrams:

Visuals are more helpful while revising your topics. Start by challenging yourself to write down all what you already know about a particular topic and highlight the areas where the gap lies. Condense your important notes into one-page diagrams. Write down your ideas in this format to recall everything quickly.

6. Check Previous year Question Papers:

Try out some old exam papers for your class and familiarize yourself with the exam format. Practice to answer those questions within the specified time period and check your answers against your school notes to make sure you got them correct.

7. Don’t Cram!

Stick to what you already know while studying the night before an exam. If you will try to learn new things, you will only make yourself nervous. Revise your notes and practice mathematical questions more.

8. Take care of your Health:

Exams always bring stress, but too much stress can ruin your preparation. Don’t forget to take care of your health, food, and sleep. Good mental and physical condition is very important for the exam. After studying, take some time to relax your mind and body, eat well to build your energy, have a good night sleep and keep a positive attitude towards your exam. Be exam focused but relaxed, you have done the preparation, now it’s time to reap the golden rewards.

9. Minimize Distractions:

Most of you prefer to study while listening music, watching TV, or texting friends. Research shows that all those students who prefer to study like this retain less information. It is better to go for instrumental music to stay focused.

10. BYJU’S – The Learning App:

And finally, don’t forget BYJU’S – The Learning App to understand the basic concepts in engaging and interactive way. Take chapter wise test series to see where you stand and prepare well for your final exams.

30 Days Study Plan To Ace Your Class 10 Board Exam


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