Both Radio buttons and Checkbox are used in HTML forms. Let’s discuss some more pointers and differences between radio buttons and checkboxes.

What is a Radio Button?

Radio buttons are an important term that belongs to the HTML family. They are mostly used in HTML forms. A radio button is operated to choose only one alternative out of multiple functional options.

What is a Checkbox?

Checkboxes are also mostly used in HTML forms. A checkbox allows you to choose one or many options to be selected from a list of options.

Difference between Radio Button and Checkbox


Radio button



Radio buttons are used when we need to pick a single option out of various available alternatives.

A checkbox authorises us to choose one or more options.


Here we use an HTML <input> tag and set the radio as a type attribute.

We use the HTML <input> tag followed by the checkbox attribute.


Radio button is a single control unit.

Checkbox is a multiple control unit.


When we need to restrict the user’s selection to just one option, then we use it.

It is operated when we need to permit the user to choose multiple options.


It is shown as a little circle on the screen.

It is shown as a small square box.

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