StringBuffer vs Stringbuilder: Difference between Stringbuffer and Stringbuilder

What is a StringBuffer?

A StringBuffer is a companion class of strings that delivers the functionality of strings. When it comes to the string, it defines immutable character series and fixed-length, while StringBuffer defines growable character sequences.

This is to remember that the StringBuffer can include characters and substrings. To build a string buffer, an object needs to be constructed.

StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();

What is StringBuilder?

In Java, StringBuilder illustrates a mutable sequence of characters. We know that the String class develops an immutable sequence of characters, so to help in that manner, the StringBuilder class provides an option to the String Class, as it constructs a mutable sequence.

StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

Difference between Stringbuffer and Stringbuilder


String Buffer

String Builder


StringBuffer was introduced in Java 1.0

StringBuilder was launched in Java 5.


StringBuffer is synchronised

StringBuilder is not synchronised


Here we cannot access multiple threads at the same time because it is thread-safe.

It is not thread-safe.


It is slow as compared to the StringBuilder.

It is faster than StringBuffer.


StringBuffer is mutable, hence, we can make changes in a string without creating an object.

StringBuilder is also mutable.


Heap memory is used here.

Here also we prefer heap memory.

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