What is Swift?

Swift is a general-purpose and multi-paradigm programming language developed by Apple Inc. It was authorised beneath Apache Licence 2.0. It first emerged in 2014. Swift supports numerous operating systems like Darwin, Linux Freebsd, and more. It is mostly created to work along with the Objective C library and Apple’s Cocoa framework, and to work in Apple products, and the extension of the file is .swift. One more important point about swift is that it supports the components of objective C.

What is Objective C?

Objective C is an object-oriented programming language that is also popular as a smalltalk style messaging language. It was designed primarily by Brad Cox and Tom Love in the early 1980s. Objective C has both the features of a static and dynamic programming language. Here the file extensions generally contain .m or .h, based on the program file or header file.

Differences Between Swift and Objective C



Objective C

1 It was developed to design Apple products. It was created to be object oriented.
2 Multiple inheritance is not supported by swift. Objective C supports multiple inheritance.
3 In swift, only the classes exist, not the struts. In objective C, both classes’ structures are treated in different manners.
4 In the case of swift, to call the executed functionalities, we need to declare type-level methods. To call the executed functionalities, we prefer messages.
5 It is static typing. It is both a static and dynamic typed programming language.
6 It has numerous libraries. It has a limited, or we can say a shortage of libraries.
7 It is easy to handle and maintain. It is complex to maintain.

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