Surface Area of A Triangular Pyramid Calculator

Solve Surface Area of A Triangular Pyramid
Enter Apothem Length ‘a’ =

Enter Length of Side ‘b’ =

Enter the slant height ‘l’ =


Surface Area of Pyramid ‘S’ =

square unit

Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid Calculator is a free online tool that displays the surface area of a triangular pyramid when the input values are given. BYJU’S online surface area of a triangular pyramid calculator tool makes the calculation faster, and it displays the result in a fraction of seconds.

How to Use the Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid Calculator?

The procedure to use the surface area of a triangular pyramid calculator is as follows:

Step 1: Enter the apothem length, side length, slant height in the respective input fields

Step 2: Now click the button “Calculate” to get the surface area

Step 3: Finally, the surface area of a triangular pyramid will be displayed in the output field

Surface Area of a Triangular Pyramid Example


Determine the surface area of a triangular pyramid whose apothem length is 5 cm, side length is 8 cm and slant height is 10 cm.


Apothem length = 5 cm

Side length = 8 cm

Slant height = 10 cm

Hence, the surface area of a triangular pyramid is 140 square units.


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